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Mar 1, 2021
The Ice Storm that Made My Husband a Lumberjack
I know what you're thinking? How bad was this storm right? Well honestly, it wasn't too bad but it sure did leave us with a problem that...
Aug 27, 2020
The Smallest Church in America
Is this a real church? The answer is simply no. It does not have a pastor or active fellowship, however, I did read at
Aug 11, 2020
Jungle Adventures
A place to see alligators up close and personal.
What's the first thing you think of when you think of visiting Florida?
For most people,
Jul 29, 2020
South of the Border
Roadtrips have always been a great way to make memories with the ones we love while traveling the countryside. When you have a plan it makes
Apr 5, 2020
How are you handling social distancing?
Are you enjoying every minute of it or Are you pulling your hair out counting down the days when this will end? For some people, this new...
Oct 13, 2019
My Superwoman Birthing Experience
When you hear birthing story what's the first thing that comes to mind? For most of us, we probably imagine the typical modern day birthing
Sep 20, 2019
Hey, I'm Back!
So this has been a long time coming. It's been awhile since I've posted and I have a confession to make. I have desperately missed...
May 7, 2019
Mud Play
It's been Spring for over a month now and the weather has warmed up enough for the kids to go outside and get dirty. I'm talking about...
Sep 22, 2018
Goodbye Summer, HELLO Fall!
Most people are always looking forward to the summer each year, but by the time the hot humid air of late August hits, everyone's wishing fo
Jul 8, 2018
The Potty Squad
Now that Logan is potty trained, it's been a huge excitement in this house. When he needs to go to the bathroom, he announces it and then ev
Jun 19, 2018
The Floor Snacker
Have you ever wondered why little ones find objects on the floor to be mouthwatering? I’ve asked myself this same question before.
May 12, 2018
A Mother's Love
Tribute to my momma, Mothers are beautiful and special in a way that is almost indescribable. The love that a mother has for her children...
Mar 20, 2018
Spring Fever
Yesterday officially marked the first day of Spring! Woo-hoo! I didn't want to get to ahead of myself by posting this so I waited until...
Mar 1, 2018
Motherhood is a Calling
I’m hoping to bring some encouragement, inspiration and good cheer to you today. Being a mother brings its own joys and rewards but can also
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