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10 Nausea Remedies for Pregnancy

Nausea is one of those symptoms that just takes everything out of you. Literally. In my opinion, it's listed in the top five worst pregnancy symptoms. Not only is it uncomfortable and aggravating, it's also really debilitating for some people. Especially if you suffer from hyperemesis. With nausea as one of the 10 most common symptoms of pregnancy, it's really hard to escape from it. There are women out there that claim they didn't have ANY nausea during pregnancy but I haven't met that unicorn yet.

Nausea, for the most part, starts around a month after you've missed your period and usually subsides in your second trimester. However, it can last the entire pregnancy. Sigh. Since you're reading this post, I'm assuming that you're needing some ideas to help you get through this phase of pregnancy. There are several things you can do that will give you temporary relief until it passes. Below I have gathered a list of My Go-To Essentials that have helped me through all of my pregnancies and I'm sure at least one will help you.

1. Oyster Crackers

Mornings always seemed to be the worst for me during the early stages of pregnancy. Everything just seemed to turn my stomach. Knowing that you're growing a tiny human inside really gives you that extra nudge to at least try to eat something. Anything. Keeping a bag of oyster crackers at the bedside really helped me get out of bed in the mornings. The starchy consistency of this snack absorbs stomach acid to help with the queasiness. If you don't like the dull flavor, you can always substitute with Cheez-Its. I've used both. It also makes a great on the go snack and due to its size, you can easily fit it into your purse. I know what you're thinking. Gross! Fast forward a few years, when that little munchkin becomes a toddler and there's no telling what you'll find in your purse then.

2. Vitamin B6

This vitamin is used by nearly every cell in your body and is crucial for you and your babies well being. Most prenatal vitamins and many foods contain vitamin B6 in them already. If you're not eating, you're probably not getting the recommended dose that your body needs. If you decide to take the supplements, be sure to discuss this and the dose with your doctor or midwife first, just in case you are on any other supplements or medications that may cause a reaction when taken with this.

3. Sparkling Water

For some reason, carbonated drinks always seem to help me feel better, pregnant, or not. I just love a carbonated beverage when I'm nauseated. Because of this, I always ended up drinking soda in all of my pregnancies and we all know what that can do. Tack on the pounds. Over the years I've learned to like carbonated water and it really does help replace the initial soda craving. This was a huge adjustment initially and I had to start off slow. In the beginning, I mixed soda water with 100% juice. Over time I was able to decrease the amount of juice I added and I'm now able to drink it plain. It definitely is an acquired taste. I admit it. To make it even more refreshing, add chunks of your favorite fruit.

4. Lemon

We are lemon lovers in this household so lemon has always been a go-to for me. Add slices to your waters and teas. You can also try lemon-flavored candies. Or you can just slice them and eat them. Just kidding but we do like to eat them like oranges in our home. If you're not into sour flavors and you have an essential oil diffuser, add a few drops of lemon essential oil and soak up all that lemony goodness floating around in the air.

5. Sea Bands

I've had these soft bracelets FOREVER! Since my second pregnancy, over eleven years ago. They kind of remind me of the wrist sweatbands from the 80's and they really work. These bracelets work by using methods similar to acupuncture. When you put them on, they apply a slight amount of pressure to the inner parts of the wrist. When I wore them, I only wore them for an hour at a time, several times throughout the day. If you're interested you can find them here.

6. Ginger

According to Chinese medicine, ginger has many healing properties. Used throughout the ages, it is a go-to item for nausea. Do you like Ginger Ale? Do you remember being sick as a kid and your mom would give you Ginger Ale and crackers? It always seemed to help right? Personally, I prefer to stay away from the Ginger Ale just because of the High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) but I admit that I have used it for nausea relief in the past. Especially, when I didn't feel like making my own. If you're interested, you can always make your own without all the junk in it. All you have to do is make a homemade ginger syrup and then add it to sparkling water. Another option is to buy ginger fresh, slice it up, and add some to your tea. Add more or less depending on how strong you like it. If you don't like the zingy taste, there are other options like Ginger Snaps and those infamous ginger Preggo Pops.

7. Peppermint/Mint

If you're not a ginger fan, here's another option. The old fashioned red and white peppermint candies are great. If you don't really like those there are so many other options out there today. My favorites are the Lifesaver Wint 'O' Green Mints. These also have HFCS in them but they really spared me of the nauseated feeling I would get every time I worked. Working as a nurse or just simply being a mom, the two are similar in certain aspects, you're exposed to many different horrendous smells which can make you feel even more nauseous. Keeping these nearby or in my pockets were an essential part of my pregnancy. If you're not into candies, you can try the mint gum or tea.

8. Chamomile Tea

Just the name alone has calming effects. Chamomile.....mmm. This beautiful herb has been used for centuries for many different ailments. It is widely known for its digestive benefits and its sedative properties which makes it a relaxing agent that's best taken right before bed. Its digestive benefits include preventing stomach ulcers, treating colic, and resolving stomach discomfort and nausea. All I can say about this is that chamomile tea with lemon and honey makes anyone feel better. Just sayin.

9. Snacking

Instead of focusing on eating three large meals a day, try snacking instead. When you have nausea the last thing you want to do is eat but you really need to. Pregnancy affects your hormones which can affect the way your body processes glucose. When you go too long in between meals your blood sugar levels can drop quickly. Snacking every few hours can help stabilize those blood sugars and prevent hypoglycemia.

10. Hibernation

What I mean by this is just simply resting and taking it easy. Your body needs it! I did this with all six of my pregnancies. It is a MUST when you're feeling crummy. Find ways to simplify your life and slow it down a bit so you can get through this phase of motherhood. You can read all about mommy hibernation here.

So there you have it. My personal list of nausea remedies. If you've tried these remedies and you're still extremely miserable, talk to your doctor. There are some prescription medications that you can take while pregnant that will not hurt your baby. There's no reason why you should have to suffer. Even though I prefer to use more natural methods, I have gone this route before and had nausea medication prescribed to me in the first trimester. It really took the edge off and I birthed a healthy baby boy without any complications.

Thanks for reading. I hope you get some relief soon.

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