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8 Reasons to Celebrate your 10 Year Anniversary

This upcoming summer, my husband and I will be celebrating our ten-year wedding anniversary. Woo-hew! I'm super excited! Not just because we actually made it this long but because we endured all the ups and downs and ultimately grew closer. Not only can we say that we're soulmates but we're best friends as well. Getting together and staying married is a challenge in today's world. According to the world, the idea of marriage has changed over the past few decades along with the divorce rates in those that are married. The American PsychologicalAssociation, states that 40-50 percent of married couples in the U.S. divorce. This rate has been declining for many reasons. I cannot count how many times I've read or overheard conversations of marriages that have not lasted. Some not even a year. I remember in college talking to a fellow student that had been married twice and she wasn't even 25. On another occasion, I was at the store and I overheard a man telling the cashier "This will be my third marriage." He said it as if it were no big deal and even chuckled a little. Honestly, it was quite sad. It's sad to see something once so special being treated this way. Marriage is not intended to be easy and as time goes by, things change. At one point, you are going to get past the honeymoon phase of the relationship. The phase in which you and your spouse are just so in love and distracted by each other. Your worlds collided and you wanted to spend every waking minute together. You learned  a lot about each other and it was exciting. Eventually, all the excitement will wear off. Soon, you will know everything about each other. There will be times when there's not much to talk about. You may start to disagree more or may not even spend as much time together as you once did. Arguments will happen. One of you may lose a job. Your health may fail. One day you may have kids. Kids are such a blessing but they are a lot of work and you both are definitely in for some changes when they come. All of these things I have listed are all part of life. Some things don't always go as you may have planned and some do. Regardless of the reason, you work through all the ups and downs TOGETHER. You don't give up on each other. You're a team. When things get tough, you sit down and make a game plan! 

Each year, you both will be growing and entering new stages in your married life. Your love for one another doesn't have to grow dull and even if it does, it doesn't mean that you can't recapture special moments. Make time for one another, communicate, do something special together and most importantly pray for one another. You don't have to wait for your anniversary to do those things. Anniversaries just happen to be a great time to remember why you chose each other to begin with.  While most couples celebrate their special day every year, I believe that reaching a milestone in your marriage (such as a ten-year anniversary) is definitely a reason to celebrate more extravagantly. Marriage is an honorable and special partnership that should be celebrated. I'm not implying that you go out and spend a ton of money. I'm just saying that if you are married and you're reaching your ten years soon, why not do something a little extra special with your spouse. Celebrate the fact that you are part of the 50-60 % of couples that have stayed married. If you're looking for other reasons to go all out on your ten year, than check out the eight reasons I have listed below.


1. You eloped and never had a wedding ceremony.

People elope for many reasons. Some do it for personal reasons, while others may do it for financial reasons.Whatever your reason may be, it is never too late to have a wedding ceremony. The good thing is that you're already married and can make this day as simple or fancy as you want. You also don't need all the legal stuff either since you're already married.

2.  Celebrating the ups and downs of a relationship that has lasted.

Like I mentioned above, marriage involves work and commitment. There will be times when it feels like everything is falling apart. You may feel like it's not going to last. On another day you may be so high on love that you can hardly eat or sleep. Sticking by your spouses side through all the hardship makes your relationship and love for each other that much stronger.

3. If your original wedding day did not go as planned. If your wedding was anything like the planning going on in the movie Bridesmaids you definitely should use this  marriage milestone as a means to do something special.

 4. Renewing your commitment and love toward one another.

Renewing your vows is just a simple way of reaffirming your commitment to one another, especially if you have had some really tough times.

5. Rewarding yourselves with a party, vacation or second honeymoon.

Enjoy some uninterrupted time together outside of the walls of your home. If you have children and need a break, this is the perfect time to take a second honeymoon and not feel guilty. You can also go on a large family vacation if you haven't had one in awhile or just have a celebration party!!

6. Displaying how important your marriage is to your friends, family and especially your children.

This is a great way to set an example for your children and involve them this time around.With the world changing its definition of marriage it's imperative to teach your children and show them how important marriage is. Whether you realize it or not, you also do this daily by the way you treat each other.

7. Taking an opportunity to capture a new stage in your marriage.

Maybe you both recently had children, your spouse may have landed their dream job, you may have bought a new house or maybe you both have financially reached your financial goals. Whatever the reason may be, celebrate your years together and your accomplishments.

8. Reflecting in where you have been and where your future is heading. Life is busy. Take the time to slow down and acknowledge the special commitment and relationship you both have with one another.

If you can think of any other reasons to celebrate your ten year anniversary or things you did to celebrate your special day, please leave in the comments box below. I would love to hear your ideas. Thanks!

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