Most people are always looking forward to the summer each year, but by the time the hot humid air of late August hits, everyone's wishing for the cool air of fall to come. Not only is the weather cooler, it's absolutely breathtaking. It's as if God emptied buckets of paint from the heavens down to the earth. The golds, reds, and shades of orange are just beautiful together in nature. And don't let me forget to mention all the wonderful smells it brings........... Apples and Cinnamon......Nutmeg......Caramel...Fudge... Pumpkin Spice everything!
When I think of pumpkin spice, I'm somehow reminded of all the comfortable, cute clothes that are associated with fall time. The season of boots, scarves, light jackets, and hats; the most fashionable time of the year. I love it all! You can go outside and take a walk comfortably without being too hot or too cold. The air is cool and the sound of crunching leaves beneath your feet is heard just about everywhere you turn. In my opinion, the weather is perfect, and the view is full of magnificent colors. I can see why it's the most loved season for many. Including myself, who was born an Autumn baby.
This season is also associated with thankfulness and is celebrated with the gathering of family and friends. Backyard bonfire parties are thrown at every opportunity and fall festivals are happening every weekend in different communities. Apple and pumpkin picking are inevitable. Neighbors are out and about, and their porches are filled with endless amounts of fall foliage. Bagged leaves fill the streets and leave piles make a fun outdoor activity for little ones. The time spent with loved ones this time of year can really ease stress and ignite that feeling of gratitude in one's heart. It seems as though the season of giving is really put in overdrive.
Spending more time with family means eating more delicious food.
Food always seems to be the centerpiece of every nice family gathering.
I mean, who doesn't like to eat?
Especially all these amazing foods that we only see this time of year, like green bean casserole and pumpkin pie. Anyone else eat green bean casserole in the spring or summer? It's one of my favorites and sadly we only eat it twice a year. For some reason, we always associate it with Thanksgiving and Christmas. Am I the only one here? Then you wait for that mouth-watering once- a- year casserole made by your mother in law or sister in law. You know the one that you’re always hoping is at the next family gathering. It's these family-centered holidays that bring on so many family traditions and meals that we look forward to each year. Just about every year, my brother-in-law cooks this delicious Thanksgiving turkey, and no one ever questions who's cooking the turkey, because we all know.... it’s Uncle Shane. He may cook it differently each year but it's always delicious. Although Shane cooks it every time, my husband likes to take credit every now and then, hence the picture below.
A chocolate turkey masterpiece made by one of my nieces.
Not only do we celebrate the holidays with nice large family meals, we have a tendency to have an unhealthy but delicious weekly shmorgishborg of a dinner during this time of the year. This typically involves chicken wings, nachos, homemade chip dip, grilled foods, hot links, bacon-wrapped stuffed peppers, etc. All of those scrumptious party foods that you normally wouldn't eat on a typical dinner night. With that being said, this leads to one of the other reasons this season is enjoyed so much in our family.
The start of Football season!!!!!
And like many men, my husband's favorite time of the year!
What can I say, I was married into a family of Alabama Football Fanatics!
As we ease on into the fall months, I'm going to enjoy every single minute because we know this season doesn't last long. In a blink of an eye, the trees will be bare, the nights will be long, the air will be frigid and I'll be wishing it was summer again. And once it's summer again........I know Fall will be right around the corner.
Since Autumn brings all these amazing things, I've always wondered why it has to be the shortest of all seasons? Share your favorite season and why? Please leave a comment in the box below and if you liked my post, please be sure to subscribe to my blog to stay up to date with all my newest posts. Thanks and have a blessed season.