So this has been a long time coming. It's been awhile since I've posted and I have a confession to make.
I have desperately missed writing on my blog and I'm taking a few minutes to get it out of my system.
The last nine months have been challenging to say the least and I tried, really tried, to write a post here and there but as the days went on, it just became too much. This last pregnancy really kicked my butt. I wasn't feeling well for most of my pregnancy and suffered from ALL-DAY-NAUSEA and anemia. The nausea and lightheadedness alone caused me to take a personal leave from work which hurt us financially but at the same time was a blessing. Squeezing in more cuddles with the little ones before baby arrived was irreplaceable.
Throughout my pregnancy I was hoping that I would start feeling better. Everyday I thought This is going to be the day I feel better. But no. It never happened. Midway through my third trimester I began to experience what's called prodromal labor. I had never heard of this until my previous pregnancy. No one could give me an answer of what I was experiencing and kept telling me that I was having Braxton Hicks contractions. As an experienced mother, I knew these were not BH. They were to mild to be real contractions but too strong and regular to be BH. After browsing the web I came up with the conclusion that I had experienced prodromal labor. This was the only explanation that matched up to what was happening with me. Not only did this make me feel completely exhausted, it stressed me out. One day I thought I was going into what was the start of labor and then hours later nothing. This went on every few days for weeks up until the night that my baby girl was born. The whole prodromal thing made me uncertain of whether I was in labor or not. Sounds crazy coming from someone who has birthed five previous children. In fact, the whole birthing process this time was crazy, unexpected but completely awesome!
To sum everything up, I had a rough pregnancy that prevented me from blogging but ended up with a beautiful, healthy 9lb baby girl.
If you want to read about my unique birthing story and how I almost had baby Liberty on the floor, hurry back. My crazy birthing experience is coming soon. Thanks for reading and I promise to keep the posts coming.