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Mommy Meltdown

Let's face it. Children are not the only ones that have meltdowns.

Mommies can have them too!!

It’s no secret that we've all had one or two at least once in our lives. I agree that some of us may have them more than others and even if you are a mom that has them often, it doesn’t make you less of a mother. In fact, I think it’s great to cry every now and then and get some stuff off your chest. Bottling stuff up all the time and drowning in your own pity is not good for anyone. Motherhood is tough! Whether you have one child or twelve. We all have different situations, frustrations and issues that we are battling.

When life is getting hectic, your exhausted, your mind is running a mile a minute and you just can’t get that break that you’re so desperately needing………yes……. the meltdown occurs. I agree that we all should make time so that this does not happen, but that’s just not always the case. Sometimes you get smacked in the face with a million things going on at once and end up feeling hopeless and stressed out. Yes. This was me last week. So, the summer started off very relaxing and rejuvenating. The warm weather and the refreshing water days have been very exciting for our family. The kids and I have spent a lot of time outside so far and we've really been enjoying ourselves. As the summer days have become hotter and more humid, we've begun to spend more time in the house.  (I wasn’t trying to have baby J out in 95-degree weather with intense humidity.) This past week it also rained and stormed profusely which meant there wasn't a whole lot we could do outside.

Not being able to go outside and being cooped up in the house with four bored kids who just want to irritate and annoy each other can get quite taxing. (My teenager has learned to keep herself very busy to avoid boredom.) The few times I sent the kids outside to play, (when it wasn't storming) for some reason they were just not getting along. They were crying, whining and picking on each other. Meanwhile inside, I had a teething baby who just wanted momma and cried every time I put him down. Literally.  (I blame this wrap I bought when he was an infant. I carried him around in it all the time. It was so convenient and comfortable!!!)

So, between the kids and the baby I felt like I was at the Whine Festival!!! I know, I know.... this sounds harsh but that’s the best way I could describe it. I don’t know about you, but whining is like nails on a chalkboard to my ears when I'm already frustrated. Especially if it's excessive and you have three doing it at once. It's as if they are fueling each other. When you forget to learn how to talk and you decide to just communicate by whining it can literally drive this momma crazy. I know they weren’t doing it intentionally, but when you’re already having a stressful week and haven’t had a break, this can be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Between meal planning, home school prepping and a million other things I had to do I just felt like I couldn’t check a single thing off of my To Do List. When momma's having a hard time, your babies can sense it and that's where their frustration begins. It's a downward spiral.  I look forward to the evenings when my husband gets home because he usually jumps in and takes over, so I can take a small break. However, the past week has been difficult for the both of us. After all the kids were snug in their beds, I've been so exhausted that I just can't even stay up long enough to get anything done. Baby J has also been waking up in the middle of the night which leaves me with interrupted sleep. As soon as I'm able to fall back to sleep, I'm waking up to rush K to her early morning cross country practice. I usually read my Bible every morning before taking her to practice, but I just haven't had the chance because I've been trying to make up for lost sleep. Sleep deprivation can really mess with your emotions. So, when I had my meltdown, it had me feeling exhausted and lost. I knew what I needed to do but I just couldn't find a place to start. My mornings became disorganized and I just felt like there was something missing. And I was right.

I was missing my daily devotion and time I spent with God every day. With me, I often realize that sometimes I let life get too busy. So busy that I put God on the back burner. I don’t want to do that, but it just happens sometimes. There’re so many distractions everywhere. Then we wonder why we have such a hard time.  I believe God allows us to experience stress and hard times so that we recognize the need for Him! And we need Him through every aspect of our lives. When God is in the center of our lives He blesses us and brings us peace. When I realized that I hadn’t been spending as much time in prayer and I hadn’t read my Bible consistently in over a couple of weeks, I understood why this had happened. So, you know what I did? I turned to where I needed to go. God’s Word.

The Bible

I had my meltdown, cried, prayed and then opened my Bible. There is something that is just so beautiful and powerful about the word of God.

“For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and the marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

Hebrews 4:12 KJV

When I read my Bible daily, I notice peace around me. It's as if the world appears clearer and I can hear every whisper from God. I’m able to control my words, actions and thoughts better. The chances of a mommy meltdown decrease. When I read the words of God, joy fills my heart, hope is renewed and I feel like a weight is lifted. Overall, I have a better day. We must continue to read daily and pray throughout the day so that we don't leave any room for the enemy to attack us. So for all the mommas out there that are feeling discouraged, defeated or you're on the urge of a mommy breakdown, know that you're not alone and most importantly, God loves you and wants to hear from you.

In Matthew 11:28 Jesus says:

“ Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Thanks for reading! Has God heard from you today?

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